What We Believe

It is important to note that, as with any congregation, there are varying beliefs among members in regard to doctrinal issues. You will find people here from all walks of life and thus, not everyone's belief systems will be exactly alike. We encourage debate, discussion, and questions. The statements posted here reflect the position held by those in leadership, as well as what is preached from the pulpit. 

Who is God?

We believe that God is one person in three entities: God the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.
Through holy mystery, Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. The Holy Spirit was sent by God the Father to dwell within the souls of believers.
We believe that God is a personal and relational God who is present and involved in our every day lives. He is all powerful, all wise, all knowing, all holy, and all loving. 

What is Salvation? 

We believe that every person in the world sins, meaning they fall short of the glory of God. Because of this, we are unable to be pleasing to God through our own efforts and are in need of a savior. This savior is Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and now offers the hope of salvation to all who want to believe and follow Him as an act of grace and mercy.

What is the Bible? 

We believe that the Bible is the Holy Word of God recorded by humans to share God's story with the world.
The word of God is still alive and still relevant to our lives today. 
We believe it is important to not only read the words of the Bible, but also look at the historical context in which a passage was written, the type of writing used for that particular passage, as well the intent of the author in order to learn what is truly being said and to avoid reading our own biases into scripture. 

What is the Purpose of Partaking in Sacraments? 

The Methodist Church practices the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion (sometimes also called The Lord's Supper or the Eucharist.)
People of any age can be baptized, however the Methodist Church does practice infant baptism as a way to signify a joining of the church congregation and beginning their faith journey.
Holy Communion uses bread and the cup (we use grape juice) to remind believers of the night that Jesus died and His sacrifice for us on the cross. Methodists practice an open table, which means that all people who love Christ are welcome to partake in this sacrament regardless of their church membership status, age, or denomination. 

Who Belongs to Our Church?

Central United Methodist Church welcomes into participation, membership, and leadership people of all ages, races, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, family structures, marital statuses, sexual orientations, economic backgrounds, political affiliations, physical or mental abilities, and life experiences.
You Belong Here.